A downloadable game

This is a bullet-hell stylized game about mechs, or more like one in particular. You take the control of a soldier, serving the "Yahata TaskForce" - which is an organization created in order to try and fight for the earth as its giving out its last breaths.

You stand against the  Old Shinto Mech, compromised by one of the leaders of the great nine, who currently rule all around the world.

The game was made for the MechJam V, and i kind of underestimated the challenge it will bring. The game is slightly buggy at times (when you die, you will not be able to deal dmg to the boss again for some reason) but i did my best. 

Hope you have fun


Yahata Task-Force.zip 40 MB


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Tried to play the game, but the PCK file wasn't included, only the executable. When you export the project from Godot, it should give you both the executable and the PCK file. Just put those in a folder, zip it up and reupload, that should work.


Thanks, ill do it later today. Was in a rush and i didnt even think about checking if i exported it correctly. It is what it is i guess lmao